
  • [Int J Radiat Biol .] Effects of intermediate frequency electromagnetic fields: a review of animal studies

    이화여대 / 이해준, 이윤실*

  • 출처
    Int J Radiat Biol .
  • 등재일
  • 저널이슈번호
  • 내용

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    Purpose: Many novel devices such as induction cookers or wireless power transfer produce electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the intermediate frequency (IF) range (300 Hz to 10 MHz) and it is very meaningful for summarizing the bioeffects of IF-EMF research, particularly animal studies. This review takes into account experimental studies that used murine models to study the health effects of exposure to IF-EMF. The analyses included here use data available in the literature published from January 1988 to August 2021 including the animal studies about general adverse effects, tumorigenic effects, and effects on developmental stages. The studies that linked IF-EMF exposure during pregnancy or neonatal stage to behavioral and cognition changes were included. Additionally, this review also covers the effects of IF-EMF on gene expression patterns in the brain, behavior patterns associated with learning and memory, and immune function.

    Conclusions: Although most studies have suggested that IF-EMF is harmless, some adverse effects have been reported after exposure at developmental stages and prolonged exposure. Compared to extremely low frequency (ELF) or radiofrequency (RF) EMF bands, studies on health effects with more diverse perspectives of IF-EMF have not been conducted. Therefore, performing more research should be necessary using the latest biomedical tools. From this point of view, a comprehensive review of IF-EMF studies, particularly animal studies, will provide a valuable basis for further risk analysis in humans.




    Hae-June Lee 1, Hee Jin 2, Young Hwan Ahn 3, Nam Kim 4, Jeong Ki Pack 5, Hyung-Do Choi 6, Yun-Sil Lee 2
    1Division of Basic Radiation Bioscience, Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences, Seoul, South Korea.
    2School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.
    3Department of Neurosurgery, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, South Korea.
    4School of Information and Communication Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea.
    5Department of Radio and Information Communications Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea.
    6Radio & Satellite Research Division, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea.

  • 키워드
    IF-EMF exposure; health effects; murine models; published literature.
  • 편집위원

    전자파를 활용한 마우스 연구에 대한 전반적인 연구 동향과 저선량 방사선 연구 분야와 접목한 리뷰 논문으로 흥미로운 새로운 분야를 제시함

    2023-04-04 17:10:24

  • 편집위원

    본 연구는 IF-EMF 노출이 건강에 미치는 영향을 마우스모델을 통해 분석한 연구들을 정리한 리뷰논문이다. 대부분의 연구에서 IF-EMF가 무해하다고 알려져있으나, 발달 단계에서 노출되거나 장기간 노출된 경우 행동 및 인지 변화, 발암 등이 보고되었다는 점을 강조하였다. 본 연구는 동물을 이용한 IF-EMF 연구를 포괄적으로 검토하여 IF-EMF 노출의 잠재 위험 분석을 위한 기반을 제공한다는 점에 의의가 있다.

    2023-04-05 09:59:29

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